00 08/10/2006 20:27
Hi everyone,
In September I started a two year diploma course in Italian.The course is being run by the University in Galway and is very intensive. Four weeks into the course, I wonder if I'll ever get a handle on the grammar. L'articolo determinativo, singolare e plurale was this week's homework and it was a challenge for me!
I found this amazing site by pure chance. I was wondering if you guys could answer grammar questions from time to time and set me on the right road to learning the language? I promise not to be a complete pain, I want to do the homework myself because if I don't I'll learn nothing. [SM=x145517]
I'm a fluent Irish speaker so if you need any Irish translations I can help anyone with that.
Thanks to everyone in advance.

So to the first question

spiccioli - change as in money, do I have the right translation?
gli spiccioli - the change
Does this noun have a singular or should it be in the plural at all?
Again I appreciate any input.