00 06/05/2006 12:02
Spell it Brian
Good pitch Sham [SM=g27811] ,
here's my little contribution...

Back in the 2000 I was in Dublin with a friend of mine and we were invited at a xmas party of the bank (a small one) were he used to work for. We arrived at the 4 seasons hotel, southern dublin, after the dinner and before the dance just in time for free drinking and acquaintances. The music, there was a dj, went on till 2:00 am and so the drinking. Before leaving the hotel Brian decided to extend the party at his place so we called about six taxis to get to him, he shouted his place to everyone who jumped in the taxi: ovoca road.
Well, me and my friend took a taxi with two girls, one returned to dublin since a long time and the other was german, the driver asked again the address and we repeated: ovoca road.
after a quick check at the roadmap book The driver took us to the place, silent houses all around, we were puzzled and so we rang the bell at number 10.

- Is this brian's house?
- yes, said the guy

we let the taxi go sure it was the right place

- Where's Brian?

just after asking a man came to the door saying:
- here I am, Brian O'connor.

The wrong Brian and the wrong place and the taxi was gone.
We were at Avoca road in BLACKROCK...with the silence, the trees, the sleeping houses, bit 'o drunk and no taxi around.
Christine, the irish girl, called Brian with the mobile and the only shouted words I remember were:
Spell it Brian, Spell it...

afterwards she stopped a car, in a policeman stance with the arm stretched out, and a gentle redbearded men took us to ovoca road, Dublin, at brian's place.


[Modificato da =Linog= 06/05/2006 12.03]