00 31/01/2007 11:12
Comunicato del Republican Socialist Youth Movement sui fatti recenti di Derry

Scritto da: omagh 31/01/2007 0.06
vi mando questo link che ha delle foto di domenica.....volevo solo dire che domenica il RUC era la gia pronto a lottare contro i ragazzi che si stavano.....e la cosa piu vergognoso e che quando la polizia ha attacato questi ragazzi il partito di LondonGerry ha tolto ogni cosa con quale i ragazzi si potevano diffendere....vergogna al LondonGerry.....vergogna

Republican Socialist Youth Movement

Following last night's riots in the Bogside area of Derry following the annual Bloody Sunday commemoration there are facts we would like to place on record.

The PSNI were already in position donning full riot gear with camera surveillance in the area surrounding the Tower Hotel prior to the commemorative proceedings being drawn to a close. This was a clear attempt to provoke youths in the vicinity. There was one arrest that we know of by the time the commemoration had ended, this only served to further aggravate the youths who attacked the PSNI with anything at their disposal.

Not once did we witness the destruction of property belonging to ordinary working class people but a consistent and determined young people who attacked their oppressor. As the riot reached it's height, materials for petrol bombs were seized by local members of the Provisional Movement and removed from the area. We view this as an unrivalled act of collaboration with those who occupy our country and an indication of their newly found positions within British rule here which they are forced to defend. It is not the first time they have actively assisted the PSNI and will not be the last by any stretch of the emagination.

The PSNI were seen to load plastic bullet guns before swarming the Bogside estate with the assistance of an already airborne helicopter unit. They were attacked with fireworks at this point and found easy scapegoats in people not involved in the riot.