00 26/03/2008 18:42
Re: Re: Re:
=moris=, 26/03/2008 15.28:

senti cosa è successo l'anno scorso in england con tanto di articolo in 5 pagina sul TIMES.
una ditta specializzata in antifurto e affini ha prodotto una macchinetta che emette ultrasuoni, tipo quelli per mandar via i piccioni, recepibili solamente dagli esseri umani di una certa età.

mitico elio!
cmq confermo, tutto vero, me lo ha detto mio cuggino [SM=g27824]
l'aggeggio si chiama mosquito, sotto una descrizione da wikypedia:

The Mosquito or Mosquito alarm[1] is an electronic device which emits high-frequency sounds, similar to the buzz of a mosquito, the insect (approximately 17.4 kHz at 85dB).[2][clarify] Because the ability to hear high frequencies deteriorates in humans with age (a phenomenon known as presbycusis), the noise is most commonly audible to younger persons.

The device is marketed for use as a safety and security tool for preventing anti-social behaviour such as gang loitering which can often lead to graffiti, vandalism, drug usage, drug distribution, as well as violence. It is very popular in the UK, with some 3500 in use, mostly by shopkeepers and police authorities. The device is also being sold in Canada and the USA. Even though it is currently legal for private citizens to use, [3] the distributors and resellers of the product do not typically sell the device for home usage.