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Il Trap nuovo ct dell'Irlanda??? update

  • Messaggi
  • Corcaigh.
    00 14/02/2008 11:37
    Tardelli assistente?
    Sarebbe un mito...
    Leggete quest'articolo, è carino anche per le varie opinioni e storie che riporta:
    Post: 676
    Registrato il: 02/11/2006
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 14/02/2008 11:57
    Re: Tardelli assistente?
    Corcaigh., 14/02/2008 11.37:

    Sarebbe un mito...

    Martina, forse ti sei persa qualcosa...

    Da quando ha smesso di giocare, la carriera di Tardelli è stata a dir poco disastrosa.

    Pessimo allenatore, un vero fallimento su tutti i fronti, nonostante avesse a disposizione non pochi buoni giocatori e risorse economiche illimitate. Il classico raccomandato non dotato da madre natura dell'arte di gestire uno spogliatoio : di fatti, ad allenare, non lo ha cercato neanche il Busto Arsizio...

    Pessimo dirigente, a Torino doveva rappresentare il nuovo che avrebbe permesso agli strisciati bianconeri di superare lo scandalo degli scudetti rubati e si sono trovati invece un pasticcione inconcludente. Presto cacciato a pedate.

    Pessimo giornalista : un commentatore pieno di se, inutilmente litigioso, piegato a novanta con i forti e sprezzante verso i deboli

  • Corcaigh.
    00 14/02/2008 13:03
    mmm...pare che in 17 anni mi sia persa parecchie cose... è un peccato, perché l'immagine di Tardelli che qui tutti ricordano è quella coi pugni verso il pubblico dopo il goal alla Germania.
    Ovviamente lo abbiamo mitizzato.

    Dopo la tua descrizione,la cosa che a questo punto da' più fastidio è che la FAI lo pagherà più di 500 milioni di euro all'anno.

    Come mai Trapattoni se lo porta dietro? C'è da dubitare pure di lui a questo punto?
    Post: 676
    Registrato il: 02/11/2006
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 14/02/2008 13:20
    Corcaigh., 14/02/2008 13.03:

    mmm...pare che in 17 anni mi sia persa parecchie cose... è un peccato, perché l'immagine di Tardelli che qui tutti ricordano è quella coi pugni verso il pubblico dopo il goal alla Germania.
    Ovviamente lo abbiamo mitizzato.

    Dopo la tua descrizione,la cosa che a questo punto da' più fastidio è che la FAI lo pagherà più di 500 milioni di euro all'anno.

    Come mai Trapattoni se lo porta dietro? C'è da dubitare pure di lui a questo punto?

    Guarda : anche in Italia è ancora per molti quel Tardelli là...
    Solo che, a voler approfondire le cose, si scopre che non basta un illustre passato quale garanzia di serietà.

    Purtroppo la carriera di allenatore di Tardelli non brilla certo per risultati.

    Se poi il Trap vuole portarselo dietro non è una tragedia : a volte, nel calcio, certi secondi sono ricercati proprio perchè sanno fare bene i secondi e rassicurare i primi con il loro comportameto accondiscendente.

    Poi, con il tempo si può sempre cambiare : non è detto che se i tifosi dell'Inter ancora ricordano quell'anno disastroso in cui sei stato esonerato, se hai fatto fiasco pure col Bari, con l'Arezzo e con l'Egitto a tal punto che non ti ha più voluto nessuno, tu un giorno non possa riscattarti con la Nazionale Irlandese e riassaporare quei lontani periodi dell'Under 21.

    Ad onor del vero c'è chi dice che anche con Fergus allenatore, l'Italia sarebbe diventata Campione d'Europa... ma son solo malelingue invidiose, si sa [SM=g27828]
    Post: 1.942
    Registrato il: 28/10/2005
    Età: 55
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 14/02/2008 13:48
    Corcaigh., 2/14/2008 1:03 PM:

    Come mai Trapattoni se lo porta dietro? C'è da dubitare pure di lui a questo punto?

    Mah, ha chiaramente dichiarato che vuole allenare una nazionale perche' gli lascia piu' tempo libero per la famiglia, e non so piu' dove ho letto che il suo quartier generale sara' Milano, dal quale volera' spesso verso l'England per vedere i giocatori Irish all'opera.

    Avevo anche letto che Gentile doveva essere il suo secondo, e solo oggi leggo che ha rifiutato e che e' venuto fuori il nome di Tardelli, e anch'io sono tra queli che ne ignora(va) il cv.

    Diciamo che il Trap si e' assicurato un bel retirement, se poi riuscira' anche a far vincere la squadra tanto meglio, senno' potra' sempre dire che si e' fidato di Brady :-) o che Strunzish gioca al 25% [SM=x145518]

    Di certo non si puo' dire che non ci metta passione in quel che fa'...

    [Modificato da gdbjoe 14/02/2008 14:01]
    Post: 167
    Registrato il: 18/12/2007
    Città: MILANO
    Età: 28
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 14/02/2008 13:59
    Re: Re:
    =moris=, 14/02/2008 13.20:

    Purtroppo la carriera di allenatore di Tardelli non brilla certo per risultati.

    una chiave di lettura potrebbe essere proprio che tatticamente è un allenatore scarso e impreparato, ma in quanto a selezionatore e quindi visionatore di giocatori all'altezza è molto capace.

    probabile quindi che il trap lo abbia voluto a fianco a se per questo. lui ci mette la tattica, in cui è maestro, tardelli gli cerca i giocatori validi per il suo modo di giocare. in fin dei conti si conoscono molto bene, tardelli sa benissimo di cosa ha bisogno il trap per far girare una squadra.

    in fin dei conti chi ci rimette la faccia è sempre l'allenatore, mai il vice.
    Post: 676
    Registrato il: 02/11/2006
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 14/02/2008 16:31
    Re: Re: Re:
    brigatadellapotta, 14/02/2008 13.59:

    una chiave di lettura potrebbe essere proprio che tatticamente è un allenatore scarso e impreparato, ma in quanto a selezionatore e quindi visionatore di giocatori all'altezza è molto capace.

    La sua analisi mi sembra interessante e degna di stima.
    Se fossi ancora amministratore di sito, le stringerei sedutastante la mano in presenza di un fotografo.

    Ma purtroppo lei non pensa mai alla gloria : lei e il suo compare (che non ha neanche una bella berta di lana da mettersi in testa) pensate sempre e solo a mangiare e a bere

    [SM=x145519] [SM=g27828]

    Post: 1.942
    Registrato il: 28/10/2005
    Età: 55
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 14/02/2008 18:17
    Re: Re: Re: Re:
    =moris=, 2/14/2008 4:31 PM:

    Se fossi ancora amministratore di sito

    Ah si?
    E da quando non lo sei piu'?


    Post: 102
    Registrato il: 27/01/2008
    Città: ZAMBANA
    Età: 50
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 14/02/2008 19:48
    Il Trap in Irlanda
    Ieri 13 febbraio e' stato ufficializzato l'ingaggio di Giovanni Trapattoni alla guida della nazionale Irlandese di calcio ,
    non so se il Trap riuscira' nell'obiettivo di far qualificare
    la squadra ai mondiali 2010 in Sudafrica ma sicuramente ci fara
    ridere di brutto con le sue interviste dopopartita,...ieri ha
    gia' dato un assaggio alla stampa del suo Inglese impeccabile [SM=x145448] .

    Comunque vada ...auguri Trap!!!
  • Corcaigh.
    00 14/02/2008 20:12
    Errata corridge

    la FAI lo pagherà più di 500 milioni di euro all'anno

    Penso che abbiate tutti comunque capito che intendevo 500MILA euro all'anno.... [SM=x145519]

    È ora che mi decida a prendermi una vacanza...
    Post: 26
    Registrato il: 22/12/2007
    Città: ROMA
    Età: 31
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 17/02/2008 11:46
    ...uhm...quel moris là..mi puzza di granata [SM=x145445] [SM=x145427]
    Post: 1.942
    Registrato il: 28/10/2005
    Età: 55
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 17/02/2008 13:12
    irishwoodpecker, 2/17/2008 11:46 AM:

    ...uhm...quel moris là..mi puzza di granata [SM=x145445] [SM=x145427]

    Come tutti i polentoni DOC... :-P

    Post: 2.077
    Registrato il: 26/12/2004
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 26/02/2008 15:01
    Re: Re:
    =moris=, 14/02/2008 13.20:

    Guarda : anche in Italia è ancora per molti quel Tardelli là...
    Solo che, a voler approfondire le cose, si scopre che non basta un illustre passato quale garanzia di serietà.

    Purtroppo la carriera di allenatore di Tardelli non brilla certo per risultati.[SM=g27828]

    oh!! ha portato il como calcio in serie b, anno 1993/1994!!!

    Tusi, mi no' digo niente, ma gnanca no' taso! Ne la vita pubblica, come nel rugby, ghe xe momenti tragici e altri, peggio ancora, seri: in quei momenti, trovar la forsa per xogar! In campo! -
  • Corcaigh.
    00 26/02/2008 16:20
    ma non era in serie A, prima?
    Post: 2.077
    Registrato il: 26/12/2004
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 27/02/2008 02:36
    Corcaigh., 26/02/2008 16.20:

    ma non era in serie A, prima?

    no [SM=g27828]
    Tusi, mi no' digo niente, ma gnanca no' taso! Ne la vita pubblica, come nel rugby, ghe xe momenti tragici e altri, peggio ancora, seri: in quei momenti, trovar la forsa per xogar! In campo! -
    Post: 1.942
    Registrato il: 28/10/2005
    Età: 55
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 06/03/2008 10:32
    Brady to take up Irish position

    Post: 1.963
    Registrato il: 02/02/2005
    Città: NAPOLI
    Età: 50
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 02/05/2008 11:17
    Re: Brady to take up Irish position
    gdbjoe, 06/03/2008 10.32:
    Post: 6.592
    Registrato il: 09/05/2005
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 25/05/2008 16:15
    L'avventura del Trap inizia con un pareggio in extremis contro la Serbia.

    Fonte: Irish Independent

    Keogh strikes late to give new manager light relief
    Rep of Ireland 1 Serbia 1

    Sunday May 25 2008

    Perhaps things have begun to change. There was very little for Irish fans to get excited about for 90 minutes at Croke Park last night. Giovanni Trapattoni looked like he would start his Irish career with a defeat. Conceding devastating late goals has become an Irish curse but last night in Trapattoni's first game, Ireland scored one through substitute Andy Keogh. The manager, who emphasises the need to take something from every game, could be, if not happy, at least content.

    In the end, Irish supporters were able to glimpse in person the two sides to Trapattoni's personality. First there was the anger when Ireland conceded and then came the boyish delight when Keogh volleyed in an injury-time equaliser at the end of a move which suggested intensive training-ground work.

    Paul McShane had insisted during the week that he deserved to be in the Sunderland starting line-up, pointing out that he out-performs his club-mates in training. Unfortunately last night, he demonstrated that training only tells you so much, rashly charging out to play offside, a decision he seemed to have taken independently of his colleagues. Serbian substitute Marko Pantelic calmly exploited the space and finished coolly for the game's opening goal. Despite being in the game for fifty years, Trapattoni's expression suggested he had never seen anything like it.

    The match had been overshadowed by former manager's Brian Kerr's allegations yesterday morning that players had broken a curfew during the training camp in Portugal. FAI sources insisted last night that there had been no curfew to break, although members of the squad had insisted in Portugal that there was.

    Kerr also criticised the demeanour of assistant Liam Brady -- very much the FAI's man in the management team, although he has the full backing of Trapattoni -- and highlighted the need for the players to have the right kit.

    The seemingly mundane issue of kit has been an emotive topic in Irish sport since Roy Keane went to war over it in 2002 but there were times last night when a conversation on the most aerodynamic fabric would have been more exciting than the game taking place.

    Most of the Irish players had played very little football in the past three weeks and Trapattoni will hope that this was the reason for their poor control and technique. There were signs of the first attempts to introduce a more patient approach, but an inability of the midfield to control the ball ensured that these begun and ended among the back four.

    Serbia, on the other hand, had plenty of technical ability and when they seemed bothered, they could knock the ball round Ireland. Led from left-back by Ivica Dragutinovic, the Sevilla defender outlined his class with an early run when he skipped away from Robbie Keane and Damien Duff.

    Duff will be a key player for Ireland so it was important he showed signs of recovering from his long lay-off. He never appeared completely comfortable on the right and there were times when Trapattoni's desire that his players pass the ball rather than dribble seemed not to have been heard.

    But he was involved in Ireland's only chance of the first half when he skipped down the right and his cross was headed towards goal by Slobodan Rajkovic. Serbian goalkeeper Vladimir Stojkovic scrambled back but could only palm the ball towards Keane. Ireland's captain hit a low left-foot shot on target but Rajkovic was now covering on the line.

    It was Ireland's only moment of penetration. Set-pieces, an area which Trapattoni would be expected to exploit, were poor until Keogh took his late chance

    Serbia are always prepared to play hard and Danko Lazovic was booked for a two-footed tackle on Stephen Kelly. Lazovic had been a more legitimate source of trouble throughout the half, knocking Richard Dunne off the ball when the Manchester City defender was grateful for the covering tackle of Kelly.

    Debutant Damien Delaney struggled defensively at time when the Serbs swept forward down the right but there were few among his more experienced team-mates who could be said to have excelled.

    The first half couldn't end fast enough and the half-time match between children from the FAI summer schools provided more excitement. In the second half, Duff moved to the left and made a difference but the Serbs were coming more into the game. Stefan Babovic put the ball across the goal but McShane knocked wide for a corner.

    Ireland also had their opportunities, with Duff earning a corner after Glenn Whelan picked him out with a ball which allowed him to run and shoot down the right. Trapattoni saw no need to change things for the first hour, perhaps an indication of the value he places in a clean sheet above all else, while Nemanja Vidic remained on the bench for Serbia, happily signing autographs.

    With 20 minutes to go, Keane was replaced by Daryl Murphy. Ireland had now switched to a 4-3-3 with Murphy and Duff supporting Doyle. Back on the right, Duff again ran positively before wasting the final ball. But that will not have angered Trapattoni as much as the Serbian goal. With Dragutinovic on the ball in his own half, McShane took the unilateral decision to rush from the centre of defence and play offside. Unfortunately he didn't bring his back four with him so it was an easy pass through the middle for Dragutinovic and an even easier finish for Pantelic.

    As Ireland chased the game, there was less and less evidence of Trapattoni's desire for more passing, less dribbling as individuals tried to win the game. But the equaliser came from teamwork. Delaney took a throw, Murphy flicked it on and Keogh, who has earned Trapattoni's praise all week, hit the ball sweetly into the net. The bench erupted with joy. Under Giovanni Trapattoni, it seems, Ireland won't be playing friendlies.

    Rep of Ireland: Kiely, Kelly, Dunne, McShane, Delaney, Duff, Miller, Whelan, Hunt (Keogh 81), Keane (Daryl Murphy 70), Doyle (Long 86). Subs Not Used: Joe Murphy, O'Shea, McPhail, Scannell, Foley, Hoolahan, Westwood, Bruce, Garvan.

    Serbia: Stojkovic, Rukavina, Ivanovic, Rajkovic, Dragutinovic, Lola (Kovacevic 90), Kuzmanovic, Jankovic, Babovic (Markovic 81), Ilic (Kacar 86), Lazovic (Pantelic 70). Subs Not Used: Kahriman, Kolarov, Vidic, Zigic, Despotovic. Booked: Lazovic, Kuzmanovic, Ivanovic, Dragutinovic.

    Ref: Lee Evans (Wales).

    Good evening, there was already an injury, huh?

    Giovanni Trapattoni, falling off his chair
    Post: 6.592
    Registrato il: 09/05/2005
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 30/05/2008 14:50
    Prima vittoria per il Trap.
    L'Irlanda batte la Colombia per 1-0 grazie al capitano Robbie Keane.

    Fonte:Irish Independent

    Trap has luck of the Irish

    Friday May 30 2008

    RECENT history has shown this crop of Irish players incapable of holding a lead for any significant period of time, so the fact they gripped onto their advantage at Craven Cottage for 87 minutes last night would have to be considered a good omen for Giovanni Trapattoni.

    Of course, the Italian will be aware that his men rode their luck on occasion against a pacey Colombian side who will consider themselves unlucky to have finished on the losing side. But winning is a habit, one that Ireland have gone cold turkey on over the past few years.

    In that context, this success will send them into the summer break with a spring in their step, ready for the considerably more important challenges that lie on the horizon thereafter.

    Robbie Keane's somewhat fortuitous third minute strike surprisingly proved the only goal of an entertaining game, which was in dramatic contrast with the bore fest against Serbia. While the late drama in that fixture came from the boot of Andy Keogh, the dying stages of last night's game were notable for some sterling defending.


    Compared to the funereal feel of Croke Park last Saturday, the tighter confines of Craven Cottage and two vocal sets of supporters made for a carnival atmosphere.

    It helped that the game was infinitely better, with the slippy underfoot conditions adding to the drama.

    From the outset, it was extremely lively fare with the Irish out of the blocks quicker. Within seconds Andy Keogh, in for Damien Duff who was forced out at the last minute with sinusitis, was charging on goal but the Colombians shut him out.

    However, the South Americans found themselves behind within three minutes amid scenes of chaos in their penalty area, with Keane capitalising on persistence from Liam Miller and benefiting from two generous deflections -- significantly off Elvis Gonzalez -- with a shot that bamboozled Robinson Zapata and only just crept across the line.

    The mantra that 'an early goal makes a game' proved prescient. They may have started in disorganised fashion, but Colombia were opponents worthy of serious respect, currently in a World Cup qualification spot with a win against Argentina under their belt.

    Like Ireland, their side was a mix of established names and wannabes, and it was one of their more experienced performers, attacker Edixon Perea, who almost equalised in the eighth minute, but Paul McShane got his body in the way.

    It would be a busy half for the Irish back four, with the central midfield pair of Glenn Whelan and Miller struggling to contain Colombian playmaker McNelly Torres who was causing multiple problems, with his partner Fredy Guarin equally impressive. Mostly, it was backs against the wall stuff, particularly around the quarter-hour mark when Falcao Garcia squandered two gift-wrapped situations to restore parity.

    While Ireland did look dangerous going forward with Kevin Doyle's work-rate and height advantage over Luis Amaranto Perea an asset, their spells in the final third were fleeting compared to prolonged tilts from the Colombians.

    In truth, it was something of a miracle that they weren't level by the interval with Dean Kiely making two top drawer stops, firstly from a Juan Carlos Escobar header on the half hour mark and then, on the stroke of half-time, a double save to deny Garcia and Edixon Perea with admirable flexibility at the last second to clear off the line.

    That wasn't Ireland's first narrow escape of that nature, with two goal-line blocks shortly beforehand with Kiely powerless as Miller and Richard Dunne denying Garcia and Guarin respectively.

    Miller had warmed Robinson Zapata's hands at the other end after trickery from the ever busy Aiden McGeady, but it was clear that Trapattoni needed to ship up the midfield department if the advantage was to be retained. After the resumption, it was temporarily better as Whelan and Miller got more of a foothold, with the Irish having some of their best spells of possession with front pair Keane and Doyle dropping deep to help out.

    Briefly, chances were at a premium with the Colombians waiting until the hour mark to threaten again with Edixon Perea shooting straight at Kiely after a rapid fire counter attack. At that point, opposition coach Jorge Luis Pinto rang the changes, making four successive substitutions.

    Team Trapattoni had no such desire to dabble until the latter stages, with the Italian again demonstrating a preference to concentrate on the side he prefers and developing them as a unit rather than reshuffling his deck.

    Understandably, with the switches, the Colombians lost a degree of their fluidity with Ireland succeeding in penning them a little bit further up the park than they had earlier. All the same, Dunne and McShane had plenty to do, with the Sunderland man making one first half howler but otherwise reasonably competent.

    Eventually, Trapattoni looked to his subs, with Daryl Murphy sent on in place of the outstanding Doyle -- the latter's display will have reminded potential buyers of his abilities.


    The arrival of Murphy couldn't prevent the Colombian tide sweeping forward into the Irish box with the desperation of the situation exemplified by Keogh being required to make one frantic punt to safety after McShane had bravely frustrated substitute Elkin Soto with a diving header.

    Keogh was soon withdrawn to be replaced by debutant Wes Hoolahan who was introduced just before the fourth official displayed the news of three additional minutes, so often the instigator of bad news for Irish followers with a short memory.

    Yet that would not be the case here, due to a combination of Colombian over elaborating and a solid enough shape from the Irish back four convincing them that another pass was required in the first place.

    By the end they had ran out of ideas, as Ireland enjoyed their first win since last August's friendly romp in Denmark. Hopefully, it will not prove to be another false dawn.

    IRELAND -- Kiely 8 O'Shea 6 McShane 7 Dunne 7 Delaney 7; Keogh 7 (Hoolahan 88, 6) Miller 7 Whelan 6 McGeady 8; Doyle 8 (Murphy 84, 6) Keane 7

    colombia -- R Zapata, Bustos (Vallejo 45), C Zapata, L Perea (Moreno 65), Gonzalez (Armero 70); Sanchez, Torres (Hernandez 73), Guarin, Escobar (Soto 63); E Perea, Garcia (Polo 64).
    [Modificato da =Donegal= 30/05/2008 14:52]

    Good evening, there was already an injury, huh?

    Giovanni Trapattoni, falling off his chair
    Post: 102
    Registrato il: 27/01/2008
    Città: ZAMBANA
    Età: 50
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 30/05/2008 19:31
    ..quando vedo Trapattoni rilasciare interviste in tv mi viene in
    mente un altro grande llenatore : [SM=g27828]
    Post: 2.077
    Registrato il: 26/12/2004
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 07/08/2008 17:28
    notavo giusto ieri che il trap è nato il giorno di San Patrizio
    Tusi, mi no' digo niente, ma gnanca no' taso! Ne la vita pubblica, come nel rugby, ghe xe momenti tragici e altri, peggio ancora, seri: in quei momenti, trovar la forsa per xogar! In campo! -