00 02/01/2008 16:14
antonio se guardi il budget 2008 hanno rinnovato gli investimenti per la costruzione di una serie di strade direttrici nell'isola, tipo tra cork e dub mi pare, tra belfast e dub c'e' gia' una sorta di autostrada, tante cose le stanno rifacendo.
Di sicuro non e' il governo che e' responsabiel della costruzione di case tutte uguali a un'ora da lavoro

Riguardo il port tunnel, dice wikipedia:
Height controversy

Even before the commencement of construction, the tunnel was criticised for not being high enough. Critics argued that it would not be able to accommodate heavy goods vehicles higher than 4.65 m (15 ft) and that it should be built with an operating height of 5.5 m to accommodate virtually all sizes of trucks. Proponents of the chosen design argued that it made best economic sense and that it would be able to accommodate most heavy vehicles with only a minor percentage having to use the surface road network. Construction went ahead as planned, but speaking at the breakthrough ceremony, Jimmy Quinn of the Irish Road Haulage Association stated that a future generation may look back and say (about the tunnel not being high enough for very high trucks): "Maybe they should have done it when they were building it."

e capirai anche tu tra dire che i 'very high trucks' non ci passano, e dire che invece non lo fanno tutti i tir del continente c'e' una bella differenza