00 18/09/2006 17:21
Ecco il testo del comunicato emesso dai due partiti:

"We are a society that is moving away from conflict and who share a common humanity

Conflict has no place in our future - a shared future that is based upon equality for all our people and a genuine process of reconciliation between differing traditions and cultural identities.

A future where our common experience of poverty and sectarian division is ended.

We must be confident in building a better future for ourselves and our children.

We must show leadership and not be afraid to take risks.

In this regard our two Parties have committed to and embarked upon a sustained dialogue to develop initiatives based upon common and agreed community issues that will function within and between our communities."

Councillor Lynn Fleming (Sinn Féin), Leslie Mitchell (PUP)
www.lesenfantsterribles.org Distretto Nord: note dall'Irlanda di Sopra

I have dedicated my life to a cause and because of that I am prepared to die - M. P.

Let the fight goes on - Patsy O'Hara

Sei solo chiacchiere e distintivo, chiacchiere e distintivo! - Al Capone