00 27/10/2006 19:32

Scritto da: Shamrock80 27/10/2006 14.27

She is a crazy 22 years old,black hair and green/blue eyes,she is a funny and smart girl with not one,but 2 DEGREES,she lives in Dun Laoigheaire and loves foreign culture,so much that she is studying Polish and Italian!oh,and a photograph course too.

So,guys,here's to you,the fabulous Jenny!

ok...she is 22 and she has 2 degrees?!
i discover now that what i thought was a degree actually is not [SM=g27815]
what's a degree!? [SM=g27833]

anyway compliments to the mom!
(complimenti alla mamma)
Scusate, non mi lego a questa schiera. Morrò pecora nera :::Ultrà Lecce:::