00 27/03/2006 15:46
Yeats alla National Library
E dopo Joyce, è arrivato il turno di un altro grande della letteratura irlandese: William Butler Yeats.

La mostra Yeats: the life and works of William Butler Yeats aprirà i battenti a metà maggio alla National Library of Ireland in Kildare Street.

entrata libera

The next major exhibition opening, in 2006, will focus upon William Butler Yeats. The National Library is the world's largest repository of Yeats papers, a collection which is one of the most significant literary archives in the English-speaking world and was gifted to the Library by the poet's family in the period since his death in 1939. In addition, the entire personal library of William Butler Yeats, comprising more than 2,500 volumes, was generously donated to the Library by the poet's family in 2002.
"Viagiar descanta, ma chi parte mona torna mona"