00 06/05/2005 23:21
Ecco i risultati finali (fonte : sito BBC)


Mid Ulster
SF hold
The old party was SF The new party is SF

South Down
SDLP hold
The old party was SDLP The new party is SDLP

SDLP hold
The old party was SDLP The new party is SDLP

Newry and Armagh
SF gain from SDLP
The old party was SDLP The new party is SF

Lagan Valley
DUP gain from UUP
The old party was UUP The new party is DUP

DUP hold
The old party was DUP The new party is DUP

South Antrim
DUP gain from UUP
The old party was UUP The new party is DUP

Upper Bann
DUP gain from UUP
The old party was UUP The new party is DUP

North Down
UUP hold
The old party was UUP The new party is UUP

West Tyrone
SF hold
The old party was SF The new party is SF

Fermanagh and South Tyrone
SF hold
The old party was SF The new party is SF

East Londonderry
DUP hold
The old party was DUP The new party is DUP

East Belfast
DUP hold
The old party was DUP The new party is DUP

East Antrim
DUP gain from UUP
The old party was UUP The new party is DUP

North Belfast
DUP hold
The old party was DUP The new party is DUP

North Antrim
DUP hold
The old party was DUP The new party is DUP

South Belfast
SDLP gain from UUP
The old party was UUP The new party is SDLP

West Belfast
SF hold
The old party was SF The new party is SF

LAB hold
The old party was LAB The new party is LAB

Wirral West
LAB hold
The old party was LAB The new party is LAB