00 21/10/2005 21:34
Una sorella di McCartney abbandona Short Strand
Una delle sorelle di Robert McCartney, Paula, si trasferisce a causa del modo in cui la sua famiglia è stata trattata dopo l'omicidio.


Paula McCartney, who has lived in the nationalist Short Strand for 40 years, said she felt "disillusioned, disgusted and betrayed" since the murder.

Robert McCartney was stabbed to death outside a Belfast bar in January. Two men have been charged over his murder.

Paula is the last of Mr McCartney's four sisters to leave the area.

Fonte: Ulster Tv
www.lesenfantsterribles.org Distretto Nord: note dall'Irlanda di Sopra

I have dedicated my life to a cause and because of that I am prepared to die - M. P.

Let the fight goes on - Patsy O'Hara

Sei solo chiacchiere e distintivo, chiacchiere e distintivo! - Al Capone